Winter 2022 Middle & High School Retreat
Another incredible retreat took place for middle and high school from December 2-4. We were blessed to have been joined by three awesome guest speakers that talked about the main topic, purity. The youth were super engaged and learned a lot by these marvelous people. Aside for the talks, the kids enjoyed many sports and fun activities that made lasting memories for all. May God bless all the amazing servants that made this retreat the success that it truly was!
October 2022 Deacon Ordination
17 deacons were ordained in the church of Saint Joseph.
His Grace Bishop Peter ordained 17 deacons during his visit to the church where we celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, October 22, 2022, with Abona Antonuos Nashed, the priest of the church. Also, Abona Bishoy Al Antony participated in the Divine Liturgy with us.
سيامة ١٧ شماسًا بكنيسة القديس البار يوسف النجار
قام نيافة الحبر الجليل الأنبا بيتر بسيامة ١٧ شماس بالكنيسة وذلك خلال زيارة نيافته للكنيسة و صلاة القداس الإلهي يوم السبت ٢٢ أكتوبر ٢٠٢٢ مع قدس أبونا أنطونيوس ناشد كاهن الكنيسة
وأيضا أشترك في صلاة القداس أبونا القمص بيشوي الانطوني.
Summer 2022 Elementary School Spiritual Day
On Saturday, June 4, the entire elementary school went out on yet another spiritual day to learn about the fruit of the spirit. This day was filled with many marvelous activities and endless smiling faces. Everyone learned a lot and had an incredible time! Thank you so much to all of the amazing servants that contributed to making this event as memorable as it was.
Spring 2022 Middle and High School Retreat
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 was the core verse of the awesome 2-day retreat the the Middle and High schoolers took that was filled with many incredible spiritual talks that were used to get closer to God. There were many fun times, wonderful spiritual moments, and many memories that will be well cherished forever.
Spring 2022 Kindergarten Spiritual Day
On March 19, 2022, an outstanding spiritual day for Kindergarten and below took place that made lasting memories in many of the kids lives.
November 2021 Spiritual Days
3 Spiritual Days
In our church, the Sunday school has organized 3 spiritual days during the month of November.
First, there was one on November 6, for kindergarten. It was about the Liturgy. The servants put on an awesome play and got the kids to participate it. This was a way they got the younger ones to remember and learn more things. Another way was that they did some really cute and fun crafts.
Next, there was also one on November 13, for the Elementary school which was about how to prepare yourself for the Holy Liturgy. In this, the servants also encouraged most of the kids to confess for the first time. It was truly a significant day.
Finally, on November 27, the third and final spiritual day took place for Middle and High school in the Franciscan monastery in DC. This spiritual day was about how sin is infections and they had a great group discussion about this topic. After that, they enjoyed a nice movie about St. Thomas and a great discussion afterwords. Finally, they ended their day by taking a fascinating tour of the monastery.
These spiritual days have affected the kids in endless positive ways. They gained lots of benefits from them and wonderful times with many great memories.
May god richly bless all of the awesome servants who put in so much effort to make these days as phenomenal as they were! We are truly blessed to have incredible servants to teach, help, and inspire our incredible children.
H.G. Bishop Peter Visit - 2021
H.G. Bishop Peter prayed the liturgy on Sunday September 19th, 2021 at St. Joseph Church Gainesville Virginia with Abouna Antonious Nashed the priest of the Church.
During the liturgy H.G. ordained one subdeacon (Epizeacon).
Deacons Ordination - 2021
First deacons ordination.
33 deacons were ordained in the church of Saint Joseph.
His Grace Bishop Peter ordained 33 deacons during His visit to the church and celebrate the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, June 6, 2021, with Abona Antonuos Nashed the priest of the church.
أول سيامة شمامسة بالكنيسة
سيامة ٣٣ شماسًا بكنيسة القديس البار يوسف النجار
قام نيافة الحبر الجليل الأنبا بيتر بسيامة ٣٣ شماس بالكنيسة وذلك خلال زيارة نيافته للكنيسة و صلاة القداس الإلهي يوم الأحد ٦ يونيو٢٠٢١ مع قدس أبونا أنطونيوس ناشد كاهن الكنيسة، الجدير بالذكر ان هذه هي الرسامة الأولي لشمامسة بكنيسة القديس يوسف النجار.
Spring 2021 Middle and High School Retreat
We truly had a wonderful time at the retreat with middle and high schoolers this past weekend!!