About Us
Who We Are
We are Christian, so we follow the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are Orthodox, so we adhere to the faith represented in the early church many centuries ago. We are Coptic, which means that many of our traditions and practices are derived from our church’s origin in Egypt, the country that was blessed by the Holy Family’s visit and then St. Mark, the Apostle who established the church after the Ascension and receiving the Holy Spirit. We are a Church, which means we regularly partake in divinely-inspired services as a community.
"Father Antonuos was ordained at Diocese of EL Mania and Abo Korkas on March 25, 2011, by Metropolitan Arsanius and Bishop Macarius. He received a Bachelor's degree in Architecture in 2002. He also has a Master's degree in Architecture in 2008. Father Antonuos has served Church of St. Anthony in EL Mania, Egypt until Pope Tawadros II assign him to serve in the church of Virgin Mary and St. Mina in Saskatchewan, Canada, then to serve in Virginia USA, Father Antonuos is married to Tasony Eriny and is the father of two girls Sarah and Lydia"
Our Vision
Is to be Spirit-filled church worshiping God in Spirit and in truth, winning people of all nations, diversities and backgrounds of life to the Holy Trinity and training them to become true disciples of Jesus Christ serving others through the Holy Sacraments of the church.